воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I spent the weekend in Salisbury and was reminded that driving down Coastal Highway is impossible without the cops being involved at some point, ah well, we were in the clear this time, ha. Typical college life is not my thing. Never has been, never will be. I am more certain at this point that my decision to take fall semester off is the right one. I donapos;t need to put myself through 2 years of being surrounded by constant drunkenness, bros, beer pong, and hangovers for a piece of paper stating a Bachelors degree.. At least for the time being. I will be just fine with my associates. Iapos;m on a different level. Iapos;m not saying I am better than anyone, maybe just better off. I guess this makes me weird but I donapos;t mind being different, other than the occasional realization that I am alone in these thoughts, still, itapos;s worth staying who i am.

On a lighter note, the ride home with Aly and Andrew was fun despite hours of traffic. Old school Eminem was blasted, and "What the fuck, is that hot pink lip gloss?" song, yeah everyone knows what I am talking about I like hanging out with them, I donapos;t feel like a third wheel unlike most couples. After I came in and threw all of my stuff onto the floor (where it is still currently residing), I went to Starbucks with Dustin for a latte. It was cold but we sat outside anyway, I didnapos;t mind. Well I guess being numb was a downfall, but I almost didnapos;t notice. Then Ben Poole showed up and we went inside and discussed all of those Halloween movies that are on abc family, and I couldnapos;t remember the main witchapos;s name in Hocus Pocus, so Dustin IMBDapos;d on his phone, but it wasnapos;t working, so we asked the Starbucks employees, haha and no one knew, it was frustrating Finally I realized, Bette Midler was her name. Geeze. I am crazy for caring about these things.

Iapos;m not sure how I feel, but it isnapos;t bad. Hopeful, maybe... :)

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I think I know why we rarely see videos making fun of liberal as we do of liberals making fun of conservatives. Change = progress (a lot of the time) and a lot of people are scared of change because they donapos;t really understand it - which is human. But they take it to the extreme and reject it and everyone associated with it. Theyapos;re not interested in learning new things, which is why they always appear so ignorant: they are.�

I�am flabbergasted at the fact that people are still trying to tie Obama to terrorists. If there were even an ounce of truth, donapos;t you think the media (and not just Republicans supporting theyapos;re candidate) would let us know whatapos;s really going on?�This is juicy stuff, whichever party
you belong to.

Oh, how I wish we could just take away the rights of those who choose not to exercise their right to education.

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"Give me a reason why I should stay and Iapos;m Chuck Bass doesnapos;t count."


Iapos;m so so so super tired nowadays and I donapos;t know why too. Itapos;s as if the exams sucked out all the inexistant energy away from my body. Oh well. This is so horrible. But I walked a really long distance just now. To the bus stop to send Rachel home, and back home again. It was cool apos;cos I called Poh and we talked for about 15 minutes. Hahaha.

Talking about Rach, she came to my house today to watch Gossip Girl and we talked quite a bit too. It was really funny. I finally saw how # looks like Eh, hello, he fell short of my high expectations k Hahaha, oh well. At least he doesnapos;t look all that horrible, just horribly typical teenage boy. But I shouldnapos;t say so much, hahaha. You-know-who doesnapos;t exactly look very good too anyway. Meow meow.

Anyway, Adaapos;s exams are starting on Friday The sad soul therefore cannot watch HSM 3 when it comes out. I canapos;t wait for HSM 3, hee hee hee Good luck and God bless for you exams Adadadada. Wo ai ni duo duo da da (8


This is insanely bitchy of you. And really low for someone like you, seriously. You really disappoint me so much.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Why do I keep trying? Is it just because I live with him? I wish I could stop second guessing myself. I think of him with someone else and it makes me sick. But Iapos;ve always had that in relationships. Is it just natural possessiveness? He makes me so happy when things are good. I can be silly and childlike, not care what anyone thinks. But when heapos;s done itapos;s like heapos;s trying to gradually erode my self-esteem. Hand me love then take it away quickly again so I stay hungry, idolise me then say Iapos;m a whore and a drag.

I donapos;t know what to do.

Move back? Would they even let me? What about my counselling course? What if I get a job? What about the school work experience? Besides Iapos;m no more likely to find work there. And thereapos;ll be little or no internet so Iapos;ll be totally isolated. Not to mention the return to the constant angst and stress which Iapos;ll just have to stand back and watch.

I wish Miss Marple didnapos;t scare me, itapos;s so pathetic. Or maybe itapos;s just the episode with the scarred neck, someone pretending to be someone else. Itapos;s like that dream I always remember from when I was little. I was trapped, lost on a mountain and a helicopter pulled up beside me and for some reason it convinced me that it was my dad rescuing me. However I got in and then this fat red bearded man was there and, laughing, shouted "Iapos;m not your father". It scared me so much. And ever since Iapos;ve ended up encountering people pretending to be what theyapos;re not. My motherapos;s fakeness in company, H, M, R. Why is it unusual that I try so hard to be myself? Sometimes I think Iapos;m more sorted than anyone I know. Which is ridiculous.

Iapos;ll keep trying. I donapos;t know why, but this time against all the others things going wrong arenapos;t a relief and an excuse to get out of it. Theyapos;re something I work through, rise above and forgive. I feel so much more grown up.

"Never forget that in an unguarded moment you recognised yourself as a friend."

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Because previous posts have been overwrought and emotional, there will be a change of tune. You know, in the spirit of the coming new year.

Got DVDs of Heathers and Battlestar Galactica: Razor.

Hee. *giddy*

So I am off to watch Razor now. Will get back to you when Iapos;m done and wax rhapsodic over Jamie Bamber and Katee Sackhoff.

And, Heathers? Heathers is love.

Be back later.

(days later) Battlestar Galactica fangirling. If you donapos;t know your BSG, you can stop reading now.

Joss Whedon, meet Ron D. Moore, the latest show runner who gives us great female characters and allow them to be more than eye candy.

Michelle Forbes draws that great line between a scary leader and a great leader, and when she (spoiler) takes out her XO, oh man. Irina Derevko, meet Admiral Cain.

Razor goes back to the days of the Battlestar Pegasus, which is a more advanced, more upscale battlestar than the Galactica. The interiors are cooler, the people are meaner, and the demands are higher. The movie follows the story of Kendra Shaw, who is a tougher and meaner officer than anyone on the Galactica can ever be. Sheapos;s very by the book, and is a good officer in that she follows exactly what sheapos;s told. When Lee tells Adama that "she and Kara donapos;t get along," with the viewers knowing just how foolhardy Kara (Starbuck) Thrace can be, you can guess why.

The commentary says the original framing device of the movie was Kendra and Kara talking. That wouldapos;ve been interesting.

By the way, those CGI effects? wicked.

Razor, on its own, is wonderful. It does start to sputter near the end, when the writers clearly were struggling to find a proper ending and tie it all up to prepare for the 4th season, but itapos;s wonderful.
As part of the series, however, itapos;s a little tougher to say. Because you want to watch it to follow the trajectory of Admiral Cain. On the extended DVD version, sure. You might be able to get that. And if Razor is in your thoughts going into season four, this should get interesting. Because Kara has a destiny. We just donapos;t know what it is. So we have to watch the fourth and final season to find that out, to figure it out.
And see just how Razor fits into the grand scheme of things.

"Sometimes we have to do things that we never thought we were capable of, if only to show the enemy our will."
- Admiral Cain (BSG: Razor)

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So Qwest turned on my DSL yesterday. I was all excited and brought home my laptop from work. And then I couldnapos;t find a phone jack. Anywhere. I called the landlord, but they never answer the phone. Is it possible that this house doesnapos;t have one?�I can see the box on the back of the house . . . So here I am sitting outside in 42 degrees throwing a ball for the dogs, drinking coffee, and using a stray wireless signal when Iapos;m paying for DSL. Sigh. Iapos;m toasty warm in my Cabelas wind shear jacket. I�havenapos;t even brought out the big guns yet (the 650 weight thinsulate parka).

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s almost like someone cracked my head open, disected my brain, and learned what would entertain me the most. There is seriously nothing better.

Itapos;s beautiful outside today. I have a bit of a tummy ache, but itapos;s almost a non factor because itapos;s so nice. I need to turn in my reports for work, and update my database. Iapos;m avoiding it because Iapos;m a procastinator. Oh and because Iapos;m watching the show from last night.

This Sunday the Texans play the Lions, and well....it is another must win game. Last Sunday was the best game Iapos;d ever been to in my life. Never again will I ever leave a game with time on the clock. I almost did...big mistake K, time to get back to work.

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